The GitHub repository for this cheat sheet is here
This cheat sheet uses the Method of loci to create a memory palace, or more accurately, a memory terrain-map within which to store syntactic data relevant for the Python programming language. This is meant to aid complete beginners as well as more experienced users alike, and uses archetypal examples from these great YouTube video tutorials:
Here is a detail from the section on class constructors:
Once the user becomes familiar with the different sections of this cheat sheet, their brain’s neural pathways will begin to associate different programming functionalities with different regions (and sub-regions) of the cheat sheet itself. Actual code is shown in code font
inside of either green or blue boxes; the green and blue colors are used to show code blocks that are unrelated to each other (i.e. blue-box code is different than green-box code) and code is always on the left-hand side of a yellow section block. The actual notes use a dark-red comic font and are larger than the code font
because the user scans the notes first, then when they find notes describing what they are looking for, the user can zoom into the code to see how it works. Python keywords such as for
, break
, continue
, or, lambda
are shown in larger light-brown Calibri font, along with other categories and definitions. This enables the user to quick-scan the page for these terms and find them instantly. Eventually, the user’s brain remembers where these keywords are located, and the user can instantly lookup information as needed, rather than memorize all of Python’s syntax. Overlapping highlights make it even easier to find the exact code that a given set of notes are describing. Additionally, the blue and green code blocks are subdivided into smaller boxes to highlight different levels of scope
whenever relevant. Several elements have arrows pointing to other elements within the same, and sometimes within different - yellow section blocks. This network of arrows form a zettelkasten
of topics that reference each other in a distributed network of sorts.
The entire project is designed to save time that would otherwise be spent on StackOverflow because we all spend too much time on there, and on Google. If you catch a mistake or would like to suggest an edit, submit an issue to the cheat sheet’s official repo on GitHub. I hope you find this resource helpful!